
February 2019 – v1.1 / Updated 02.2024

Copyright and Rights of the Producer of a Database

The website https://furntr.space is protected by copyright and also constitutes a database on which “Furntr Space” has author and producer rights. The texts, layouts, images, photos, films, graphics, and other elements of this site are protected by copyright. Any copying, adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, public announcement, rental, or other forms of exploitation of the entire site or any part of this site, in any form and by any means, whether electronic, mechanical, or other, are strictly prohibited without prior written permission from “Furntr Space.”

The contents of the database are protected by the sui generis right which allows the producer to prohibit any query and/or reuse of the entire contents or a part of this content. Any violation of these rights may result in prosecution.

Trademarks and Brands

The names, logos, and other marks used on this site, including the “Furntr Space” name and logo, are trademarks and/or names that are legally protected. Any use of these or similar marks is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from “Furntr Space.”

Liability for the Contents

“Furntr Space” diligently designs and updates this site. However, “Furntr Space” cannot guarantee the correctness, completeness, or up-to-dateness of the information presented on this website. Users should be aware that the information may be changed without prior notice.

“Furntr Space” can in no way be held responsible for the content of this site or for its use. Furthermore, “Furntr Space” cannot be held responsible for the contents and the existence of other websites that may be linked via hyperlinks.

Our website may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Please be aware that we have no control over the content and policies of those sites, and cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy practices.

Corporate information

Furntr space is a registered trademark

29 rue de Kehlen
L-8295 Keispelt

Data controller




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